Radiofrequency Ablation Treatment in Hattiesburg and D'Iberville, MS

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 Radiofrequency Ablation is a form of ablation that instead of using laser energy, it uses microwave energy. In Hattiesburg and D'Iberville, MS, board-certified vein specialist Dr. J. Keith Thompson provides radiofrequency ablation (RFA) treatment for varicose veins. RFA is an innovative, quick procedure that uses RF energy to heat the problem vein, which in turn collapses the vein and closes off blood flow to it. As a result, your varicose veins should disappear with a noticeable improvement in the way your legs feel, and if you also have venous ulcers, they should begin to heal. For more information about RF ablation treatment, reach out to Vein Institute Hattiesburg and D'Iberville today to schedule an appointment.

What are the Benefits of RF Ablation Treatment?

Varicose veins can be unsightly, painful, and embarrassing for adults of all ages and backgrounds. But with RFA, you can finally get rid of them for good! Radiofrequency ablation is often a preferred treatment option because it is minimally invasive and does not require general anesthesia. It also has a lower risk of serious complications compared to other procedures. And since RFA is done in our office, you can get treated and go right back to your day. Our patients report that results are almost instantaneous, and they have seen a noticeable difference in their appearance right away. We are proud to provide advanced options for that allow our patients to get back to life without varicose veins.

Am I a Candidate for RF Ablation Treatment?

Determining whether or not RF ablation for varicose veins may be right for you can be a more convenient process than you may think. Generally speaking, patients with symptomatic varicose veins, such as pain, swelling, or discomfort, may be candidates for RF ablation. A consultation with one of our vascular specialists is crucial in order to assess the severity of the condition, review medical history, and discuss individual health factors. Factors that often make someone a suitable candidate include having healthy veins for the procedure, not being pregnant, and having realistic expectations about the outcomes. Our knowledgeable team will conduct diagnostic tests to evaluate the venous system and determine if RF ablation may be an appropriate treatment option for achieving optimal results for your varicose vein symptoms.

Radiofrequency ablation treatment generally takes 30 minutes to complete, and no general anesthesia is needed. Instead, we may inject or apply a numbing agent to the treatment area to minimize any potential discomfort. After the treatment, there is little to no downtime so you should be able to return to your normal daily routine. Strenuous activity, like intense exercise, should be avoided for a few days, but your normal day-to-day activities may be resumed immediately for most patients. You may also experience some minor swelling and bruising post-procedure, but this should dissipate within a few days up to two weeks.

What a wonderful place. I'm truly happy I went to see Dr Thompson. He closed an ugly feeder vein that has been my shame for several years. I can't wait for shorts and swimsuit weather. And all of his staff are extra sweet and caring.  It was an excellent experience all the way around. I highly recommend the Vein Institute! You won't be disappointed.

S.H. Other

All the staff are super friendly. My wait time was minimal, and my appointment went very smooth.

G.R Other

Very pleased with the procedures so far.

S.A Other

Very well pleased with Dr. Thompson and all his staff. Would recommend him highly.

M.I Other

The Doctor and associates were very knowledgeable and friendly.

F.L Other


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To alleviate the pain you've been experiencing from varicose veins and venous ulcers, board-certified vein specialist Dr. J. Keith Thompson can perform radiofrequency ablation treatment. As a minimally invasive treatment, RFA requires no stitches or major downtime. To find out more information about RFA or other vein ablation treatments, call Vein Institute Hattiesburg in Hattiesburg and D'Iberville, MS, to schedule a consultation.

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How long does the recovery process typically take after radiofrequency ablation for varicose veins?

Patients are typically able to resume light activities immediately after RF ablation vein treatment, though strenuous activities and exercise may be off limits for a few days, or longer in some cases as recommended by Dr. Thompson.

Are there any potential side effects or discomfort associated with radiofrequency ablation vein treatment?

Some common side effects after RF ablation for varicose veins may include temporary bruising, mild swelling, and tenderness around the treated vein. These discomforts typically resolve within a few days to a couple of weeks in some cases. 

Can I expect an immediate improvement in the appearance of my varicose veins after radiofrequency ablation?

Many patients report an almost immediate improvement in the appearance of their varicose veins after RF ablation treatment, though the full effects of the procedure may take some time to become apparent. The treated vein gradually fades over several weeks to months as the body reabsorbs it. Following your initial consultation, Dr. Thompson can help provide a realistic timeline of when to expect significant cosmetic improvements based on your specific condition, symptoms, and other factors.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.